I tailor my approach to your individual needs and goals. Sessions are based on a continual process of assessment, goal setting,
action steps and back to assessment. You can choose to work individually or as part of a group.
Individual coaching takes place in the comfort of your home, your office or other quiet place. Individual sessions are optimal when they are held three or four times a month. I’ve found that these
frequencies allow us to properly track and support the realization of your plans.
I believe that people know what they need to do when it comes to their health and wellness. People know they should be eating better, or getting more exercise, or managing their stress better, but for one reason or another it's not getting done. Making important changes to your health is tough, especially in today's hectic environment where there are many road blocks and multiple factors getting in the way. Therefore, in order to take care of yourself and stay healthy, it takes a certain amount of vigilance, planning and strategy.
Many people lack the support, planning and accountability that it takes to move forward; this is when having me as your coach will be of value to you.
I am not saying that everyone needs a coach, although it certainly wouldn't hurt. An effective coach will help you become clear about your values and goals and help inspire you to move forward in areas that you have felt stuck on.
Coaching deals with an intentional change of your personality. This does not happen from one day to the next. Some clients make coaching an integral part of their life. But perhaps right now you are only seeking help for a specific situation. That’s fine. We recommend 9-18 months in order to see lasting change.
Group coaching is done by telephone conference. The groups are coached on a weekly basis for 50 minutes per call (40 times a year). Each group consists of people of all ages but with the same goal. The commitment is open-ended in the same manner as individual coaching. Some advantages of group coaching are the creation of a support system, deep self-awareness, a safe environment for experiments, multiple perspectives and passive learning. Participants focus on important goals, how to achieve them and accountability.